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Benefits of running shoes




Athletic shoes are designed exclusively for the sport, to guide and cushion your ankles and feet movement. If you have ever suffered sore feet, painful ankles or hurting hips after running, it might be that you are not wearing the correct type of sneaker. If you are wondering whether to wear athletic shoes or to run barefoot or to wear ordinary shoes, here is an article to help you make a quick decision.


Great efficiency – running with the right athletic sneakers instead of running barefoot used less energy as well as effort. This is because of the extra cushioning that athletic shoes offer.


Protection – athletic shoes are made so as to provide more protection to feet than ordinary shoes. Their midsoles protect you from feeling firm objects as you run and absorbs more shock.


Fixing overpronation – overpronators are at high risk of developing plantar bunions, fasciitis, shin splints and other feet issues. If you are one, you can buy sneakers that are designed to fix this problem.


Fixing supination – the right athletic shoe can also solve the problem of supination. Athletic shoes with soft cushioning and midsole in the front and heel of the foot offer the flexibility your foot cannot.

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